Unleash Your Creative Leadership Potential and Innovate with Artistry!

This is the only 7-day online art retreat for leaders and professionals. This course addresses your intersection of leadership, creativity and personal growth. It offers a hybrid of self-study, live masterclasses, community and individual support from the expert Anne Pflug. The gates are open, join us now for lifetime access!


This Course Is For You If:

You are a leader, entrepreneur, self-lead visionary and/or busy parent and have one or several of the following problems while being your own boss:

🖍 whether you started making art in the past or never even got started, you feel that you have gotten too busy & never seem to have wiggle room for regular creative expression

🖍 sometimes you don´t feel seen & heard while you have so much to share with your people, team & clients

🖍 you feel creatively blocked in your rationalized job but know deep inside that a creative take on life will make you steer your ship in a more impactful and inspiring way

🖍 you have never made art before but feel called to infuse your live and re-invent yourself creatively and don´t know where to start

🖍 you feel like an amateur when others talk about art and seem to "know it all" at art shows. You crave a chance to discover new authentic abilities in yourself and connect with people who already are artistic

You want to finally:

💡 have a creative mindset that is authentically yours like an inventive superpower

💡 develop your own unique impactful voice & presence that you need to guide and inspire your people with ease

💡 cultivate more passion & purpose in your life and work by being the artist and creator of amazing solutions and inspiring stories to share with your impressed team, family and clients

💡 connect with a supportive community of other leaders and visionaries who will be your companions as you start a new chapter in your life

💡 be on top of your busy schedule and still have the freedom to fully express yourself artistically

💡feel and think like an artist from the inside out – even without a paint brush, studio or pencil.

Then “Unlock Your Inner Artist” is your perfect 7-day online retreat! Both beginners and art-experienced people are meant to inspire each other and Anne will be the happy host to guide you along the way. 😀✨️

Success For Lena!

“I have lived my whole life dreaming of to be an artist! At 57, I have realized that I have always been an artist🙏🏼. Thank you Anne for making it clear to me😍!”

Lena Håkansson, Sweden

Unlock Your Inner Artist: A 7-Day Online Course with Live Masterclasses

Are you a leader or self-lead visionary who feels creatively blocked, always putting your artistic desires on the back-burner? Do you long to tap into your inner artist and bring more playfulness, joy, and inspiration into your life and work?

Introducing Unlock Your Inner Artist, a 7-day online course designed for busy leaders who want to ignite their creativity and unleash their full potential. This course is a hybrid of self-study and live masterclasses, providing you with the flexibility to learn on your own time while also receiving personalized guidance and support.

Over the course of 7 days, you will learn proven techniques to tap into your creative innovator mindset. You will receive step-by-step guidance on how to cultivate a daily artistic practice, as well as access to live masterclasses where you can ask questions and receive feedback in real-time.

Looking to recharge your energy and enthusiasm after a long day? Take a break and engage in a creative pursuit. This course is the perfect opportunity to do just that. By embracing your creativity, you can enhance your innovative thinking, problem-solving skills, and inspire your team & clients with fresh new ideas.

If you are ready to explore the intersection of creativity, leadership, and personal growth, then this is it!

Course Curriculum Starting April 24th 2023

    1. Welcome To "Unlock Your Inner Artist" My Creative Leaders!

    1. Day 1: Roadmap Of Your 7-Day Journey

    2. Your First Artistic Choices & Material List

    3. SELF DOUBT DETOX & My Story Of Overcoming Insecurity In The Art World

    4. ARTIST AFFIRMATIONS 7 Minute Audio – Downloadable

    1. 7 Days Of Journalling Prompts

    2. AHA Moments After Live-Masterclass

    3. Drawing Exercise: Freeing Your Lines & Leading With Authenticity

    4. Free Lines Drawing Warm-Up: Let Your Inner World Unfold

    5. Live Masterclass # 1"The Habit Of Diving In" Replay

    1. MAKING MISTAKES – The Guide Out Of Stuckness

    2. Clay Creativity Activation

    3. Drawing Activation

    4. Painting Activation

    1. 1 Color Minimalism

    2. Working With One Color Only Audio Guide

    3. Start Curating!

    1. Create From Emotion: Introduction

    2. Create From Emotion Visualization Audio

About this course

  • $333.00
  • That´s 7 days of content, daily individual support plus three live masterclasses at a fraction of the valued price!
  • Highly-concentrated wisdom from the heart of a self-made artist
  • Fits your busy schedule: All you need is 30 - 60 minutes daily for 7 days!

Your Art Mentor Anne

Anne Pflug

Expert Instructor

Meet our experienced art mentor and instructor, Anne. With over 3 years of experience mentoring and guiding professionals from all industries, Anne is passionate about helping leaders and entrepreneurs discover their inner artist and develop their own personal style.

Her philosophy: "You can be the artist of your life, the artist of your business and team, even without a paint brush in your hand, without a studio. Because what eventually matters is your inner artist: the way you think, feel and how you express yourself, telling stories that inspire others."

Having come from a non-academic background, Anne knows firsthand the importance of mindset, perseverance, and self-discovery in the creative process. With two Master´s degrees in artistic research and fine arts, Anne brings a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to each 1:1 session or group course, introducing participants to techniques such as drawing, painting, and molding as creative activators, while also touching upon color theory, composition, and – most importantly – personal expression.

Join Anne on this unique journey and discover how to unleash your creativity, recharge your energy, and become a more confident and empowered leader.

All Your Course Benefits At A Glance:

  • Learn to unlock your artistic potential and find your own unique style, even if you've never considered yourself an artist before.

  • Discover how to use art-making as a tool for stress relief and creative problem-solving, allowing you to return to your work with a fresh perspective.

  • Develop a regular art practice that fits into your busy schedule, with daily lessons that can be completed in as little as 30-60 minutes per day.

  • Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also exploring their creative potential.

  • Benefit from the expertise of a professional artist and mentor with years of experience teaching others how to develop their artistic skills.

  • Receive lifetime access to course materials and community, allowing you to revisit the lessons and continue to develop your skills over time.

Bonus #1: Detox-Kit To Relieve Art World Intimidation

Gain Confidence, Inspiration, and Practical Skills to Create Art Authentically and Fearlessly

Are you ready to break free from the limitations and beliefs that are holding you back in the art world? Join my 7-day immersion and discover how to confidently create and speak about your art, without feeling intimidated or judged. In this course, you'll receive my valuable guidance-kit with actionable steps to fully detox from art world intimidation, extracted from my 12 years of experience as an insider in the industry. Say goodbye to feeling like an amateur and hello to embracing your inner artist and becoming a true art goddess!

Bonus #2: Three Exclusive Live Masterclasses With Anne!

Ask your questions and get instant feedback from Anne during three precious 60-minute sessions we have together

During our 7-day retreat you will get three exclusive opportunities to instantly connect with Anne and the supportive course community in our three 60-minute masterclasses. There will be limited seats to keep the circle intimate and allow for everybody to ask their questions. Let´s start this journey together and inspire each other!

Enroll At This Special Price Now!

This price might go up soon!